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Output Peripherals

PixelPrint/Sony UP-D8800


PixelPrint is a SCSI-based printing utility for the Sony UP-8800 colorprinter. Use thermal dye sublimation transfer process to print 256 stepsof CMY for 16.7 million colors. Output letter size paper ortransparencies at 300 dpi. Features include color and image editing withImage Enhancement options and basic painting tools. Also scale,position, and multiple print options. Supports many file formats.Sun(TM) formats, Neovisual, Pixar, Artisan, Wavefront, Targa, Alias, SGI,Tiff, Pict, Keyola, RGBI (interlaced), RGBP (planar), RGBM (mixed), CMYK,TiffG, Softimage, Sun8bit, GIF, Scitex, Jpeg, Postscript. Great forgraphic and industrial design, medical imaging, architecture, animation,and CAD/CAM.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

228 Hawthorne Ave
Los Altos, CA 94022
Phone: (415) 948-4711
Fax: (415) 949-5005